Shank Painter Road Project

Approved configuration from the Select Board’s October 28, 2019 meeting packet. (Graphic by Environmental Partners Group)

The “Shank Painter Road Project” is made up of three major elements:

  1. Full reconstruction of Shank Painter Rd from Bradford St to Route 6, including sidewalks with street trees, buffered bike lanes, new drainage, and new water mains;
  2. A modern roundabout at the intersection of Shank Painter Rd and Route 6 to replace the current flashing light; and
  3. The reconfiguration of Route 6 between the roundabout and Herring Cove Beach, relocating motor vehicles to the north side of the median (1 lane in each direction) and creating a new, 1-mile long, 16-foot wide multi-use trail on the south side of the median from the roundabout to the Province Lands Bike Trail in the Cape Cod National Seashore.

The estimated $16.3 million construction cost (2023) is funded through the regional Transportation Improvement Plan administered by the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization. Engineering costs were funded by local Town Meeting appropriations.

Below is a running update on public meetings, documents, and any news related to the Shank Painter Road Project. The town occasionally updates its web site with new documents as well. Shank Painter Road Improvements on the town web site >

June 2024

At the June 11 meeting, the Bicycle Committee unanimously voted to approve a number of design revisions to the 75% plan. The Committee also learned from town staff that there are no plans for further public meetings or hearings on the project. View the Recommendations (PDF, 7 MB)

Recommended revisions to the 75% plan at the Bradford Street intersection.

Title page of the Shank Painter Road Project 75% engineering plans (April 2024)

April 2024

The 75% engineering plans were submitted to MassDOT on April 10. The Markings & Signage plans are the easiest to understand how the streets are configured in this version.

Here are all of the sections of the document broken into separate PDF files:

  1. Title, Sections, & Control Surveys
  2. Construction Plans
  3. Curb Tie Plans & Grading
  4. Markings & Signage
  5. Temporary Traffic Control Plans
  6. Utilities
  7. Lighting
  8. Retaining Walls & Construction Details
  9. Pump Station
  10. Cross Sections (part 1 of 2)
  11. Cross Sections (part 2 of 2)

February 2024

Engineers are working on the details of drainage and a pump station to address the regular flooding on Court St., which has delayed the design process. The town is expecting to see the 75% engineering plans in April 2024.

June 2023

You can watch a replay of the MassDOT Design Public Hearing online and submit public comments using their online form. They ask for an email address, which is required to be able to submit any comments.

May 2023

MassDOT is holding a Design Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 5 PM in the Judge Welsh Room at Town Hall.

March 2023

At the March 27 meeting of the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization, they voted to approve the funding for the Shank Painter Road Project over a three-year period, starting in FY2025. This gives MassDOT more time to complete their design review, hold a public hearing, and move on to 75% and then 100% design to go out to bid. The estimated total cost of the project is currently just over $16.3M.

Presentation slide from the March 27, 2023 meeting of the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization.

February 2023

According to draft minutes of the February 10, 2023 meeting of the Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee (CCJTC), the project is delayed:

“MassDOT also recommends pushing back the Provincetown Shank Painter Road project from FFY2024 to 2025 as this project is behind schedule.”

“Mr. Norton asked what is delaying the Provincetown Shank Painter Road Project. Barbara Lachance shared that MassDOT is working on obtaining a finalized Design Justification Workbook (DJW) and once received a design public hearing can take place. Tom Andrade expressed his concern about the turnaround time on plans for projects and how it effects the timeline of the projects.

“Jim Fitzgerald from Environmental Partners shared that the Shank Painter Road Project had been delayed by several factors including the DJW, a new sewer pump station project element and the federal owned portion of Route 6 that is part of the project.”

April 2022

According to the April 2022 Town Manager’s report, the town and MassDOT have agreed to a construction schedule for the project. A bid package will go out in late 2023 and construction is expected to begin in fall 2024.

October 2019

Below are the slides from the October 2019 presentation to the Select Board. This 25% design was approved for submission to the state for review.

June 2019

Provincetown Select Board Moves Forward with Roundabout Plans, News, June 18, 2019

May 2019

Board comes full circle on Provincetown roundabout, Cape Cod Times, May 15, 2019

Provincetown rejects plans for Route 6 roundabout, Cape Cod Times, May 6, 2019

March 2019

New bike lane plan for Shank Painter gets OK, Provincetown Banner, March 6, 2019 (PDF)

December 2018

Route 6 roundabout proposed in Provincetown, Cape Cod Times, December 11, 2018

November 2018

Plan calls for roundabout at Route 6 and Shank Painter Rd. in Provincetown, Provincetown Banner, November 29, 2018

Route 6 Redesign and Renovations Begin in Provincetown, News, November 6, 2018

June 2018

EPG presentation to the select board on June 19, 2018 >>


Presentation to the Select Board on July 20, 2017 >>

Court Street Flooding Makes Waves Among Neighbors, Provincetown Banner, June 25, 2017


Bumps in the Road for Outer Cape Trail Extension, Cape Cod Times, June 30, 2016


Shank Painter improvements in Provincetown questioned, Provincetown Banner, May 16, 2014


Shank Painter Road Corridor Study, Cape Cod Commission, September 2012


Shank Painter traffic study OK’d in Provincetown, Provincetown Banner, August 4, 2010 (PDF)